By Sierra Air Conditioning & Plumbing
COVID-19 not only caused shortages in toilet paper and hand sanitizer, but it has also caused international disruptions in raw materials. Then to make it worse the ice storms in Texas and the blockage of the Suez Canal earlier this year created even more supply chain issues affecting local supply houses and manufacturers. This shortage of raw materials such as copper, aluminum, steel, microchips, plastic, and even packaging materials has in turn resulted in a shortage in HVAC equipment. Not only have there been issues with materials but with manpower and production as COVID-19 forced some manufacturing plants to slow down or shut down due to CDC regulations and outbreaks.
What does this mean for homeowners?
With this shortage affecting all HVAC companies nationwide, there is a rising demand for parts and equipment from suppliers and HVAC companies. Every day it is becoming more challenging to find certain parts and equipment not only locally but nationally. Some parts may not be available for a few weeks and some not for a few months.
If you know that your HVAC system is in need of repairs or replacement, get it checked out sooner than later. You do not want to be stuck unexpectedly without air conditioning in the Vegas summer heat. We all rely heavily on our air conditioners during the summertime. We advise that you plan ahead financially and keep up on your maintenance.
How is Sierra Air Conditioning & Plumbing dealing with the shortage?
Our team is doing the best we can to track down parts and equipment from both supply houses and directly from manufacturers. We have planned ahead for these shortages, however, some parts are becoming nearly impossible to find. Luckily, we have more buying power than smaller companies which has allowed us to order larger amounts of equipment in advance in hopes that we can prepare for the demand this summer.
We are working hard to meet all of our client’s needs but we want to make sure you are aware. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we work through the lasting effects of the pandemic. We are here for you and we will do whatever we can to make sure you and your family stay cool this summer.