Have you ever noticed a strange musty smell when you turn on your air conditioner? A musty smell coming from an AC unit is something that many Las Vegas homeowners experience, but why does it occur, and what can you do to make it stop? 

Here is what you need to know about those unpleasant, musty smells emanating from your air conditioner unit when it’s turned on.

Air Conditioner Smells Musty When First Turned On… Why?

If you have concerns over the musty smell coming from your air conditioning unit, you’re not alone! This is a common problem many homeowners face when it comes to powering on their AC or furnace systems.

What Causes a Musty Smell When the AC is Turned On?

Understanding the root cause of this musty odor can help you eliminate and prevent it in the future. It’s also important to find the reason behind the bad scent, as it could be a sign of a serious problem. Here are some of the most common causes of musty smells from your AC unit: 

Mold and mildew growth: Moisture trapped in the AC system creates a perfect environment for mold and mildew to grow, leading to a musty smell.

Clogged or dirty filters: Accumulated dirt, dust, and debris in the air filters can cause a musty odor when the AC runs.

Stagnant water in the drain pan: Standing water can develop a foul odor over time if the drain pan isn’t draining properly.

Dirty evaporator coils: Over time, dust and grime can accumulate on the evaporator coils, causing a musty smell when the AC is in use.

Blocked or dirty air ducts: Dust, debris, and even pests in the HVAC ducts can lead to unpleasant odors circulating throughout your home.

Leaking refrigerant: A refrigerant leak can cause a musty or chemical-like smell in your AC system.

If you have concerns about the smells coming from your AC unit, don’t panic. Sierra Air Conditioning & Plumbing has experienced HVAC technicians who can inspect your unit and replace any components necessary to eliminate the musty smell for good!

The Role of Your HVAC Ductwork

Your HVAC ductwork plays a major role in the overall performance of your home’s heating and cooling system. The network of ducts in your walls and attic is responsible for delivering cool air to each room and removing stale air from the house. Without proper insulation, these ducts can become damaged or clogged with dust and debris, leading to inefficient airflow throughout the home and, you guessed it, a musty smell!

If you’re considering replacing or upgrading your HVAC system, it’s important to consider the state of your existing ductwork. If it’s more than ten years old, chances are you will need to replace some or all of it. A professional technician can help inspect the condition of your existing system and recommend any necessary repairs or replacements.

How Our Air Conditioning Company in Las Vegas Can Help

If your home’s air conditioning system is experiencing issues or producing a musty smell, it may be time to call a professional. Sierra Air Conditioning & Plumbing offers quality HVAC services for homes throughout the Las Vegas area. From routine maintenance to complete ductwork replacement, their experienced technicians can provide you with the solutions you need.

No matter the cause of a musty smell when AC turns on, it’s important to contact Sierra Air Conditioning & Plumbing immediately. Don’t let this odor ruin your summer — call us today for an inspection!

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