A sump pump can be a homeowner’s best friend when it comes to keeping their basement dry, especially for those that live in areas prone to flooding during summer storms. But, like any electrical appliance in your home, sump pumps can encounter issues and break from time to time. If your sump pump isn’t working, don’t fret! Here are the most common sump pump problems and what you can do to fix them.

What Does a Sump Pump Do?

A sump pump is a simple device that removes excess water from your basement, crawlspace, or other areas of your home. It pumps the water out of your house and away from it, preventing flooding and water damage. The pump automatically turns on when the water level in the pit beneath it rises and then pumps the water out through a discharge pipe. It differs from an ejector pump in that sump pumps help push out water that flows in, whereas ejector pumps push sewage out from inside the basement.

Having a sump pump installed can be a lifesaver if you live in an area with high groundwater levels or frequent heavy rains. For best performance, ensure your sump pump is inspected annually by a professional plumber. They can catch any potential issues before they become major problems. Consider adding a sump pump inspection to your to-do list when preparing your Las Vegas home for summer!

Common Sump Pump Problems

Sump pumps are a great tool to help keep your home safe from water damage, but unfortunately, they can sometimes run into problems.

Problem #1: Sump Pump is Overworked

If you’re having problems with your sump pump, it may be because it’s overworked. This can happen if too much water enters the system or not enough water is pumped out. If this is the case, it’s time to act.

Solution: Check to make sure the power source is connected correctly and that all wires are secure. Then, check for any blockages in the discharge line that could prevent proper operation. If none of these steps fix your problem, you may need to install larger or multiple sump pumps throughout your basement, especially if you experience heavy rain and flooding.

Problem #2: Sump Pump is Clogged

Clogged pumps are usually caused by debris and dirt caught in the intake pipe or discharge line of your sump pump system. If your pump is lidless or not regularly maintained, you’re more likely to experience clogs.

Solution: When dealing with a clogged sump pump, the first step is to check for any blockages in the pipes. If nothing is blocking them, it’s time to call a Summerlin plumber and get it inspected and serviced.

Problem #3: Poor Sump Pump Installation

Of course, there’s always the chance that your sump pump isn’t working because it was initially installed incorrectly. Perhaps a check valve needed to be installed, or the sump pump was placed in a dirty area, which can lead to constant clogs.

Solution: If you’re unsure whether your sump pump has been installed correctly or if you think it might need some repairs or maintenance, it’s best to call a professional plumber for help. A good plumber can assess the situation and ensure everything is working as it should be.

Problem #4: Power Outage

Power outages happen from time to time due to equipment failure, summer storms, and other natural disasters. If you find yourself without power, your sump pump won’t work since it uses electricity. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to help get it back on.

Solution: First, check your main circuit breaker box to ensure it hasn’t been tripped. If it has, reset the switch and wait for the power to return. If your power is out due to a storm, unfortunately, you’ll have to wait until the electric company gets it back up and running. We recommend installing a portable or whole-house generator to help with frequent power outages from storms.

Problem #5: Float Switch is Stuck

The float switch is an important part of the system as it tells the pump when to turn on and off. When the water level rises too high in the sump pit, the float switch will trigger the pump to turn on and pump out the excess water. If it gets stuck in one position, then the pump won’t activate properly.

Solution: Inspect the float switch and make sure it’s not jammed or stuck in one position. If you find that it is, you’ll need to gently move it back and forth until it’s freed up again. Additionally, check for any debris or foreign objects that may be blocking its movement. Once everything is clear, test your sump pump by adding water to your sump pit and check that it activates properly.

Why Working with a Professional Plumber is Important

When dealing with sump pump problems, it’s always best to contact a professional plumber. They have the expertise and knowledge to properly diagnose any issues and determine the best course of action for your specific situation. Plus, they’ll be able to provide accurate estimates for repairs and maintenance, so you don’t get stuck paying more than necessary.

Sierra Air Conditioning & Plumbing understands how important it is to keep your home comfortable and safe and offers sump pump installation and maintenance by experienced technicians. We proudly serve Summerlin and the surrounding areas, so when you need dependable plumbing services, turn to our expert team.

Contact Sierra Air Conditioning & Plumbing today to schedule your free consultation!

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